How does it work?
1. Boil coffee in a kettle, and pour into the Eva Solo Cafe Solo glass carafe.
2. Add ground coffee (make it a good one, here is your chance to taste the hidden flavours typically lost through the drip process).
3. Stir using the spoon provided
4. Place the filter onto the carafe.
In four short minutes (or long minutes if it's a rough morning) you've got some of the smoothest tasting coffee you've ever tried. No barrista required.
So what makes Cafe Solo so fabulous?
First of all, the shape of the carafe, complete with ripples in the base provide a place for the coffee grinds to settle, preventing excess dredge from spoiling your morning brew.
Secondly, coffee that is brewed with complete submersion (as apposed to running water through the grinds and a filter) allows the full flavour of the coffee to come out and prevents the paper filter flavour that contaminates drip coffee. I prefer to read the paper with my coffee, thank you very much. A french press also brews by submersion, but the act of pressing often brings out the acidity in coffee, while the Cafe Solo prevents it.
Third, it looks great. Imagine ridding your kitchen of an unnecessary appliance! No more filters to buy and no wasted electricity spent keeping stale sub-par coffee warm.
Four: It doesn't drip. Thats right. The lid automatically opens when pouring, and closes back up when done. The coffee pours out beautifully without dripping.
Five: Brew and serve. You make the coffee directly into the carafe and the neoprene cover that keeps it warm allows you to carry it directly to the table to serve. No hot plate required, no additional thermos or coffee pot. I make mine in the morning and carry it out onto the porch with my morning paper. It's just a pleasure to use.
And lastly, it's a coffee maker that makes amazing coffee for under $100!!!
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